Technocrat with Ten years of Experience and Self Confidence started PRESSTECH SYSTEMS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED as a Proprietor Company by G.SURESH in the year of 2015. Our company is a sole proprietorship based firm. Operational headquarter of our company is situated in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India). We are the foremost manufacturer, engaged in offering a wide range of Hydraulic Cylinder, Press Machine and many more. These products are precisely manufactured by utilizing top-notch quality raw material and ultra-modern technologies.

Technocrat with few years of experience and self-confidence started with our firm as a proprietor company by G.SURESH. We are the leading hydraulics equipment dealer in Chennai. Our vision is to serve all your needs and those of our valued customers. We will strive to meet customers’ expectations by providing high-class hydraulic equipment through total employee commitment and continual improvement.


Our corporation is empowered with an ultra-modern and state-of-the-art infrastructure set-up, backed with all amenities that are essential to carry out outstanding business operations. Our production machines are easy to operate and possess great productivity which makes it easier for us to undertake huge projects. Our advanced QA unit allows us to keep the quality of offered products at par with industrial parameters.